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Friday 14 September 2012

Back on the sofa and the new stinky truck!

Hi Ya'll,

We have had a mostly home day today although mummy did take us out for a spin in the new truck. Its a big green thing (a Mitsubishi Shogun although you would never guess form all the badly done paint) with a large sunroof used for standing in the back and shooting from. Everything is completely green bar the lights, even the shovel cable tied to the front grill. There is a specially made roof rack to rest a rifle, even a proper gun holder for when you are holding a lamp! I am surprised mummy isn't embarrassed driving this, it has been very badly painted in army green and stinks worse than a knacker yard! The seats were once grey leather and although mummy gave it a good clean, it still looks like it has been used to transport dead things. From the smell and amount of ammunition rattling up the hoover  today, I have little doubt that it really was used for this purpose and am surprised mummy didn't blow the hoover up. Mouse and I took this opportunity to have a good look round, we smelt rabbits, mink, dogs and ferrets...oh and pheasants! Mouse said she finds the smell comforting, I have to say its not that bad for a dog but humans are normally fussy! I did notice mummy had put a front seat cover in, maybe she does have some pride after all! Oh and I spotted neutradol powder in the shopping bags, yep, the smell really is that bad!

This evening mummy was lazy, she ate her supper in front of the television, a very rare occurrence in this household. Mouse and I sprawled out next to her on the ...wait for it...Drum Roll....SOFA!! Yep the SOFA! Mummy seems to have completely forgotten about the ban and most certainly didn't seem bothered about us lying on the comfy 'sheepies' (sheep skins). This is the second time this week too, I reckon we have been forgiven, or rather Mouse has! I am waiting for her to start leaving the lounge door open again too, I love lying on the 'sheepies', the are so comfy! Ahh the thought is making me sleepy, off to bed now me thinks.

xx Pop's

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