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Friday 16 November 2012

Mouse has gone! I am devastated!

Mouse has moved out, I miss her so much I am too upsett to put it into words.


Friday 14 September 2012

Back on the sofa and the new stinky truck!

Hi Ya'll,

We have had a mostly home day today although mummy did take us out for a spin in the new truck. Its a big green thing (a Mitsubishi Shogun although you would never guess form all the badly done paint) with a large sunroof used for standing in the back and shooting from. Everything is completely green bar the lights, even the shovel cable tied to the front grill. There is a specially made roof rack to rest a rifle, even a proper gun holder for when you are holding a lamp! I am surprised mummy isn't embarrassed driving this, it has been very badly painted in army green and stinks worse than a knacker yard! The seats were once grey leather and although mummy gave it a good clean, it still looks like it has been used to transport dead things. From the smell and amount of ammunition rattling up the hoover  today, I have little doubt that it really was used for this purpose and am surprised mummy didn't blow the hoover up. Mouse and I took this opportunity to have a good look round, we smelt rabbits, mink, dogs and ferrets...oh and pheasants! Mouse said she finds the smell comforting, I have to say its not that bad for a dog but humans are normally fussy! I did notice mummy had put a front seat cover in, maybe she does have some pride after all! Oh and I spotted neutradol powder in the shopping bags, yep, the smell really is that bad!

This evening mummy was lazy, she ate her supper in front of the television, a very rare occurrence in this household. Mouse and I sprawled out next to her on the ...wait for it...Drum Roll....SOFA!! Yep the SOFA! Mummy seems to have completely forgotten about the ban and most certainly didn't seem bothered about us lying on the comfy 'sheepies' (sheep skins). This is the second time this week too, I reckon we have been forgiven, or rather Mouse has! I am waiting for her to start leaving the lounge door open again too, I love lying on the 'sheepies', the are so comfy! Ahh the thought is making me sleepy, off to bed now me thinks.

xx Pop's

Wednesday 29 August 2012


Hi Ya'll!

Last week on our way to the horses we bumped into a friend 'Ginger' he's another artist (very good too!) he spotted me on the bike and said that I should post a photo for my blog. Well here it is! 'Ginger' is just off shot, he didn't want his picture taken Awww.

I like travelling in my BASC bag, it saves me running the four miles to the horses. If mummy doesn't put me in it I run in front of the bike and bark until she does! Mouse likes to run alongside, her legs are longer than mine and she never seems to get tired.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

What am I?

Hi All!

We have returned from a mega-show weekend! A three day-er which felt like a three week-er!
The Fenland Show was this Bank Holiday destination and involved much on the BASC stand: cookery, carcass and meat demonstrations, running the shop and membership . Mummy sold lots of her "Doggy Bags" and we met lots of really nice and interesting people. We were repeatedly asked about my breeding, and have no idea??? If my 'old' mummy is reading this, please can you tell me what sort of dogs my mum and dad were? So far we have had guesses at, Chihuahua X Jack Russell, Dachshund x Jack Russell, European Heeler X? Norfolk Terrrier X as we have no idea, any help would be gratefully received!

Apart from the guessing, I was much admired (as usual) and mummy was given two numbers for people who are looking for a Terrier puppy, preferably one of mine if I ever happen to have babies.

Catch you later!

xx Pops'

Saturday 18 August 2012

Riding Dog!

Evening all!

My my, has it been hot today! We have been to the yard twice and both times it was extremely hot!
Mummy put me in the horse trough to cool down, she put one hand under my chin to support my head and one under my belly as there wasn't enough room to properly swim. I am quite a good swimmer now, I have had plenty practice recently with a trip to Wells Next Sea and a swim in the local reservoir, I even went swimming without Mouse and went quite far out to where the water is cooler!

Friday was a fun day, mummy took Spiderman in the lorry to her friends yard, Mouse and I went too, from there we hacked to the big forest where Chris and mummy used to live. Because there is a little road work and I am very small for cars to see.  I went on the horse for the first ten minutes of the ride, I'm not frightened at all, see here in the picture, I am quite happy sat up here (although I prefer it when mummy is there to keep hold of me).

xx Pop's

Monday 6 August 2012

Flag Tail!

Morning all!

Just had a splendid early morning yard call and a magnificent breakfast of vegetables from Chris's slow cook venison stock, it had been stewing all night. Yummy!

I wanted to mention my recent 'nick name' remember me telling you about my 'fluffy trousers' in an earlier blog? Well for some reason, the hair on the end of my tail has grown quite long, mummy thinks it looks like a little flag. I am now occasionally referred to as 'Flag Tail' amongst other names, I shan't mention the ones I was called yesterday!

Sunday 5 August 2012

Stinky Dog!

Hi Y'all!

I was having a wonderful morning at the yard until Chris turned up! He opened the car door, I jumped on his lap to greet him and was instantly thrown off and yelled at! Why? because I had rolled in the BIGGEST pile of fox shit I have ever found and was literally covered in the foul smelling treacle like substance. I thought it smelt heavenly, I had managed to work it in well behind my ears, all the way across my shoulder's and in a very large wet streak down my back! I was sure I would get away with my decoration as mummy was planning an epic schooling session with 'Beavis' & 'Butthead" Unfortunately, within 2minutes of Chris arriving, I was under the bloody hose, lathered up in a foam of soapy bubbles and in the biggest sulk ever. I was so annoyed with Chris, why did he have to turn up and ruin my day! Harumph!!!